目前分類:西洋片 (173)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2016-02-02 波麗露 Bolero (1785) (3)
2016-01-21 龍虎英豪 Genghis Khan (84) (0)
2015-12-24 名女人 Paddy (64) (3)
2015-12-21 大冒險家 The Adventurers (716) (2)
2015-12-15 霹靂神風 Grand Prix (325) (0)
2015-12-06 白鯨 Moby Dick (258) (2)
2015-12-04 怒海斬白鯨 (Moby Dick) (308) (0)
2015-12-02 大計劃 The Poppy Is Also a Flower (46) (0)
2015-12-01 國際特攻戰 The Poppy Is Also a Flower (44) (1)
2015-11-22 驚爆九重天 AIRPORT '79 (1365) (8)
2015-10-22 反間諜 Gibraltar (65) (3)
2015-09-09 月夜風高 La lupa mannara (84) (1)
2015-09-02 山大王 The Bandit of Zhobe (47) (1)
2015-08-29 烽火母女淚 Two Women (376) (0)
2015-08-23 永不讓步 Sometimes a Great Notion (619) (5)
2015-08-18 西城記 Los Tarantos (88) (4)
2015-07-29 金箭神氈 The Golden Arrow (74) (4)
2015-06-30 戰國群雄 Taras Bulba (1029) (9)
2015-06-22 世紀大進擊 Saturn 3 (150) (1)
2015-05-29 齊天大笨狗 Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World (625) (1)
2015-05-24 諜網迷離 MIRAGE (291) (2)
2015-05-20 虎口餘生 A Lovely Way to Die (102) (0)
2015-04-26 史家山 Spencer's Mountain (406) (3)
2015-04-26 土包子逛巴黎 Bon Voyage ! (30) (0)
2015-04-21 血染雪山紅 The Trap (1100) (1)
2015-03-11 蓋世美人 The Making of a Lady (278) (2)
2015-03-09 千里走單騎 Lonely Are the Brave (105) (3)
2015-03-03 拆穿西洋鏡 The Man With The Deadly Lens (186) (3)
2015-02-06 驢頭公主 Peau d'Ane (515) (0)
2015-01-15 七海風雲 Guns of the Black Witch (64) (2)
2015-01-14 航爆死亡角 AIRPORT ' 77 (797) (5)
2015-01-12 大海怪 ORCA : the killer whale (213) (2)
2015-01-07 昨天再見 Say Hello to Yesterday (1457) (10)
2014-12-24 閨中豔事 Bedtime Story (104) (0)
2014-12-19 大空難 Mayday 40,000 Feet ! (66) (2)
2014-12-16 魔戒 The Leqacy (146) (1)
2014-12-04 龍蛇爭霸 The Cincinnati Kid (168) (3)
2014-11-25 千里眼 ROMAREI (61) (8)
2014-10-31 豔后香魂壯士血 Maclste in the Land of Cyclops (55) (2)
2014-09-29 魔鬼神偷 MURPH THE SURF (87) (2)
2014-09-18 世界的邊緣 The Light at the Edge of the Word (261) (1)
2014-09-11 再愛我一次 Doucement les basses (94) (6)
2014-09-03 女金鋼 Batwoman (65) (1)
2014-08-26 大小人國歷險記 The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver (252) (4)
2014-08-21 獸國女王 Zan, King of the Jungle (211) (0)
2014-08-19 霸王遊地獄 Hercules in the Haunted World (68) (1)
2014-08-05 野女王 Tarzana the Wild Girl (388) (15)
2014-07-10 王劍千秋 Duel of Champions (Orazi e Curiazi) (42) (1)
2014-06-23 瓊樓春夢 Dark Purpose (L'intrigo) (81) (4)
2014-06-17 開放大醫院 Where Does It Hurt ? (75) (4)


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